

Webinar: Tackling Terrorist Use of the Internet with Machine Learning & AI

Are you an academic or researcher working on data analytics, machine learning or artificial intelligence? Are you an expert on the intersection of...

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Tech Against Terrorism & GIFCT Middle East Launch

Tech professionals: Are you interested in the intersection of technology and terrorism? Are you worried about terrorist exploitation of your company...

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"Countering Extremism Online: Information Assurance in Action" event co-hosted with IAAC and the British Computer Society in London

The Tech Against Terrorism initiative is co-hosting an event with the Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) and the British Computer Society...

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The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law's Senior Parliamentarian Roundtable in Malta

The Tech Against Terrorism initiative will participate in the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law's (IIJ) Senior Parliamentarian...

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Second Regional Internet Freedom Summit in Eastern Europe and Eurasia in Macedonia

The Tech Against Terrorism initiative will participate in the Second Regional Internet Freedom Summit in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, which will take...

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RightsCon 2018 in Toronto

The Tech Against Terrorism initiate will host a panel at RightsCon Toronto 2018. This summit bring together business leaders, policy makers, general...

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UNODC Regional Workshop “Civil Society and PVE: Key Issues” in Kyrgyzstan

The Tech Against Terrorism Initiative has been invited to speak at the Regional Workshop “Civil Society and PVE: key issues” organised under UNODC...

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Asia ICT and CT Dialogue

Tech Against Terrorism is participating in the second Asia ICT and CT Dialogue workshop, being held in Thailand on 24-25 2018. The workshop is...

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