UNODC Regional Workshop “Civil Society and PVE: Key Issues” in Kyrgyzstan

The Tech Against Terrorism Initiative has been invited to speak at the Regional Workshop “Civil Society and PVE: key issues” organised under UNODC Project “Supporting Central Asian States to Strengthen National and Regional Frameworks for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism” and UNODC Regional Programme for Central Asia 2015-2019. The initiative will be speaking on the panel "Developing Counter-Narratives".

Launch Event: The Knowledge Sharing Platform

Launch Event

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Webinar: Cooperation between the UN and smaller tech platforms in countering use of the Internet for terrorist purposes

Are you a tech company interested in learning more about the ways in which United Nations agencies can support you in tackling terrorist use of the...

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New York Startup Workshop

The Tech Against Terrorism Project is holding a startup workshop in New York during the week of the 72nd session of United Nations General Assembley...

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