TAT Researcher Network

A forum for original contributions to the theory and practice of counterterrorism online.

Write for Us

We're inaugurating the TAT Researcher Network to lend our platform to qualified individuals with an interesting contribution to make to debates in the field of online counterterrorism. 

Whether you're a academic or professional with an institutional affiliation, or simply an independent researcher with substantial investigative experience, we recognise that opportunities to share your ideas informally are few and far between. 

We therefore want to hear from prospective contributors who have interesting, compelling, original, and well-researched ideas to share but who otherwise lack a place to say. Whether you want to publish a written piece to TAT's audience, without the need to adopt a rigid and scholarly style, or a short video, or an audio piece, or an interview, we'll work with you to develop your proposal into a contribution that does justice to your ideas.

We want to hear proposals for contributions both on topics within our sphere of expertise - such as content moderation, TVE entities, terrorist TTPs, and the geopolitical context - and on themes that aren't necessarily matters we deal with on a day-to-day basis. Prospective contributors are more than welcome to propose novel topics, and indeed we actively encourage you to do so.

Once you've submitted your proposal using the form on this page, it will be reviewed by TAT. A member of the team will then be in touch to provide feedback, support, and advice as you develop your proposal into a piece we'd be pleased to publish.

Submit Your Proposal

In addition to your contact details, please provide:

  • A brief description of your experience in the online counterterrorism field, including any professional or academic affiliations
  • Your proposal, including the topic to be addressed, a summary of your perspective on the topic, and the format in which you'd like your contribution to be published.