Tech Against Terrorism Network

An independent community of organisations primed to disrupt terrorism online while respecting human rights.

The Tech Against Terrorism Network drives innovative responses to combat terrorism and violent extremism without compromising human rights. 

As a Network partner, you'll gain access to our comprehensive toolkit for obtaining a competitive edge in the fight against online terrorism – without compromising your values. 

All partners benefit from

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Unrivalled Intelligence

Receive alerts of emerging terrorist threats to your platform 

Access the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform: the world’s first early-warning system for verified terrorist content

knowledge share

The Expertise Advantage

Our Knowledge Sharing Platform is continually updated with tailored resources and proven best practices for effective, rights-respecting counterterrorism

Benefit from our team's expertise and advice on how best to protect your platform from terrorist exploitation

impactful connections

Impactful Connections

Direct access to our community of tech leaders, policy innovators, and counterterrorism experts

As a member of our network, you'll commit to upholding basic human rights principles in our fight against terrorism.


Partners committed to disrupt terrorists online

The Tech Against Terrorism Network draws from all corners of the tech sector and beyond. Together, Network partners benefit from Tech Against Terrorism's expertise and solutions to take sustainable action against terrorists and violent extremists online.

Bronze Partner Silver Partner Gold Partner
Available for free

Suitable for micro and small platforms
Suitable for small and medium platforms

Discounts available small, micro, and medium-sized platforms
For medium and large platforms

Discounts available for small and micro platforms
Crisis Response
We alert you of unfolding terrorist event and threats to life
Threat Intelligence Briefings
Eligible platforms receive regular threat updates on the terrorist and violent extremist exploitation environment.
Bespoke threat intelligence
Bespoke intelligence reporting, investigations and analysis.
Advisory and Capacity Building
Access to the Knowledge Sharing Platform
Interactive online courses
Customised policy advice
Bespoke policy advisory.
Support with regulatory compliance
Human rights and online counterterrorism assessment
Technical Solutions
Alerts from the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform
The world's first alert system of terrorist and violent extremist content
Altitude content detection tool
Altitude is a tool that gives online platforms a single elevated view of potential terrorist and violent extremist content on their sites. We offer additional support and understanding around the tool
Hash-Sharing API
We provide hash-sharing APIs to ensure enhanced threat detection native to client systems.
AI-Powered Detection Tools
We build AI solutions to support content moderation and activity detection.
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Specialist Services


Tech Against Terrorism also offers a range of expert services based around the unique needs of tech platforms. 


Mission-driven Network

As a network partner, you'll commit to upholding basic human rights principles in our fight against terrorism.

That means: 

  • Creating policy based on facts and evidence, not politics or assumptions 

  • Developing proportionate and effective responses to the threat

  • Building public trust through transparency and accountability

  • Contribute to a safer internet.

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Why Tech Against Terrorism?

How to disrupt terrorists while upholding human rights online has been a challenge we've been addressing since 2016. We're accustomed to sharing the effective and sustainable solutions we've developed, along with the benefits of our experience, with anyone who shares our goal of creating a safer internet.

We possess the expertise to forge connections between public and private interests in combating terrorism online. As an independent organisation supported by the UN and a range of public and private stakeholders, we have the necessary backing to execute our initiatives.

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