About Tech Against Terrorism

Disrupting terrorist activity online.

We pioneer technical approaches and deliver sustainable solutions to disrupt terrorist and violent extremist use of the internet. We uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms in all that we do.


How We Disrupt Terrorists Online

We develop the ideas and capabilities needed to effectively disrupt terrorist activity online. Working with the public and private sector, we: 

Understand the threat

Through forensic analysis of the terrorist use of the internet and adversarial shift of emerging technologies. 


By alerting the private and public sector of terrorist exploitation and coordinating effective responses and capacity-building. 

Strengthen Response

We drive the agenda to advance an effective and proportionate online counterterrorism response. 

Who we are

At Tech Against Terrorism, we want to ensure that tech companies and governments remain vigilant against the online terrorist threat. We empower and educate tech platforms to improve their existing counterterrorism responses. 

Our work revolves around threat intelligence, technical innovation, and policy advice.  

Since we were launched by the United Nations in 2016, we have set the agenda and driven change within the tech industry, and we have fostered meaningful policy conversations amongst governments and beyond.  

We are an independent, online counter-terrorism organisation. We work with the tech sector and we are supported by the UN as well as by other international bodies including the governments of the United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and Canada. 

Tech Against Terrorism consists of an interdisciplinary team of specialists in counterterrorism policy and human rights, open-source intelligence analysts,  developers, and data scientists. Our breadth of expertise allows us to provide comprehensive support to the global tech industry in a manner that is effective, accurate, and compliant with human rights. 

How we work

Our Values

Diverse and inclusive. In our team and with our stakeholders, we actively listen to different voices and perspectives to ensure our thinking is robust.  

Impact Through Action

We seek effective change in online counterterrorism through our action

Unwavering in our independence

We speak truth to power by holding ourselves and others accountable. We do this by being financially and intellectually independent and transparent about our funding and activities.

Grounded in the rule of law

Our work must support and reinforce democratic norms and institutions. If we are not upholding human rights and freedom of expression, we are helping the terrorists achieve their objectives.

Forging strong partnerships

In order to prevent terrorist exploitation of asymmetrical weakness, we seek to forge meaningful collaboration between the tech sector, governments, and stakeholders.

Diverse and inclusive

In our team and with our stakeholders, we actively listen to different voices and perspectives to ensure our thinking is robust.


What they say

"Recognizes the efforts of the United Nations-affiliated Tech Against Terrorism initiative to foster collaboration with representatives of the technology industry, including smaller technology companies, civil society, academia, and Government, to disrupt terrorists’ ability to use the Internet in furtherance of terrorist purposes, while also respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms."
United Nations
United Nations Security Council
Delhi Declaration, October 2023
"The work that Tech Against Terrorism does to help bring international standards to smaller platforms is really essential in our view, to effectively and efficiently reduce the spread of terrorism and violent extremism on those platforms."
Public Safety Canada
“Tech Against Terrorism has mentored ASKfm in our research every step of the way, providing invaluable collaboration in creating our first Transparency report. We believe in the importance of reporting to our users’ confidence in the security of our platform.”
Viktoria Moroz
Head of Moderation, ASKfm
"Terrorists increasingly use the internet to spread their vile propaganda designed to radicalise, recruit, and inspire people, as well as inciting violence. Together with Tech Against Terrorism, we are committed to ensuring that tech companies of all sizes have the support they need to ensure that there are no safe spaces online for terrorists.”
Baroness Williams of Trafford
UK Home Office


Tech Against Terrorism is a strictly independent, not-for-profit organisation.

Tech Against Terrorism operates pursuant to four UN Security Council Resolutions (S/RES/2129, S/RES/2354, S/RES/2395, and S/RES/2396) as well as the Comprehensive International Framework to Counter Terrorist Narratives (S/2017/375) that calls for improved public-private cooperation in tackling the use of the internet for terrorist purposes whilst respecting human rights.

Tech Against Terrorism is implemented by the Online Harms Foundation.


Tech Against Terrorism sustains its independence by ensuring funding comes equally from both democratic governments and the global tech industry. 

We receive funding through the bespoke services we offer to tech companies to enable them to tackle terrorism on their platforms. The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism also contribute to our work. To date, a number of democratic governments, including Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Canada, and the United Kingdom have financially supported Tech Against Terrorism.

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Tech Against Terrorism is supported by UN Counter-Terrorism Directorate. We work with the UN system to promote improved global and human rights centred responses to terrorist use of the internet. 


Other partnerships

Tech Against Terrorism is a supporter of the Christchurch Call to Action and a member of the EU Internet Forum. We are also members of the Airbnb Trust and Safety Council.  Tech Against Terrorism also supported the establishment of Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) led Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube. Now Tech Against Terrorism partners with the industry-led body through Tech Against Terrorism's Mentorship Programme

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