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ICT4Peace presenting on Peace and Cybersecurity in Cyberspace at Global Parliaments Meeting (IPU) in St. Petersburg

ICT4Peace presenting on Peace and Cybersecurity in Cyberspace at Global Parlaments Meeting (IPU) in St. Petersburg

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited by the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) to present on Peace and Security in Cyberspace at their Annual Meeting on 17 October in St. Petersburg. He participated in a Panel discussion of the IPU Standing Committee on Peace and International Security on the implementation of the IPU Resolution entitled “CYBER WARFARE: A SERIOUS THREAT TO PEACE AND GLOBAL SECURITY” approved in Hanoi in 2015.

The resolution can be found here.

In St. Petersburg the Standing Committee held discussions on the implementation of this resolution by IPU Members. The discussion included also a briefing on how Parliaments can engage more actively in conflict prevention in cyberspace and ensure that cyberspace is used “for peaceful purposes” and “in the interests of all countries”.

In his presentation, Daniel Stauffacher highlighted the following topics:

  • Using ICTs for peaceful purposes, including peace-building and humanitarian operation, especially in the context of UN operations (see also GA Resolution No… and Para 36 of the 2005 WSIS Tunis Comittment) embed these docs)
  • Developments and recent efforts in support to Peace and Security in Cyberspace;
  • Preventing use of ICTs for Terrorist purposes and the mandate of ICT4Peace by the UN Security Council CTC/UNCTED (Techagainstterrorism.org)

The presentation of Daniel Stauffacher can be found here.

Mr. Karsten Geier, Head of the Cyber Policy Coordination Staff, Federal Foreign Office, Germany also participated in this briefing session.

ICT4Peace experts has been promoting ICTs for peaceful purposes since 2004 and Peace and Security in Cyberspace through norms of responsible behaviour and confidence-building measures in Cyberspace since 2007.

A list of ICT4Peace publications on peace and security can be found here.

A description of the ICT4Peace capacity building program for Cybersecurity policy and diplomacy can be found here.

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