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ICT4Peace supports Asia Dialogue and Jeju Peace Conference

ICT4Peace’s Adam Hadley and Daniel Stauffacher were recently invited to support the first Asia Dialogue on Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) and Counter Terrorism on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea and the UN Counterterrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED, New York) on 29-30th May. Additionally, on 31st May we presented at the Jeju Peace Conference.

The Asia Dialogue consists of three regional workshops aimed at building confidence among relevant stakeholders, within the framework of international and regional cooperation to counter terrorism in respect for human rights standards. This workshop consisted of the following sessions:

  • Terrorist use of ICT in the Asia region: specific challenges in the Asian context;
  • Ways to address terrorist use of ICT: sharing of best practices of Asian States;
  • Normative framework in dealing with terrorist use of ICT;
  • Moving beyond Government initiatives: voluntary measures by the industry and online communities to counter terrorist use of ICT;
  • Security Council efforts to counter terrorist use of ICT - developing a “comprehensive international framework”;
  • Regional efforts to counter terrorist use of ICT;
  • Future cooperation in the Asia region in responding to terrorist use of ICT.

UN Security Council resolution 2129 (2013) notes the evolving nexus between terrorism and information and communications technology (ICT), in particular the Internet, as well as the use of such technologies to commit terrorist acts and to facilitate such acts through their use to incite, recruit, fund or plan terrorist acts.

Participants shared experiences and challenges encountered in countering incitement and violent extremism leading to terrorism, developing counter-narratives, gathering digital evidence, enhancing the practices of private online intermediaries, and empowering online communities. They explored practical ways to strengthen implementation of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), on incitement; Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), on countering violent extremism; and the Council's presidential statement of 11 May 2016 (S/PRST/2016/6), on the development of counter­ messaging and alternative messaging.

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ICT4Peace presenting on Peace and Cybersecurity in Cyberspace at Global Parliaments Meeting (IPU) in St. Petersburg

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