Can Big Tech stop the live streaming of terrorism?

Telegram use surged after UK stabbing as rioters turn to chat apps

Telegram use surged after UK stabbing as rioters turn to chat apps

UN-backed counterterrorism group Tech Against Terrorism said on Wednesday it was issuing an “urgent alert” regarding the organisation of UK riots by...

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Why mass shooting videos keep spreading online even as tech giants try to stop them

Why mass shooting videos keep spreading online even as tech giants try to stop them

Tech Against Terrorism, has said it would begin alerting individual tech companies when it finds copies of the Buffalo livestream or the document on...

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Social Media Companies Vowed To Stop Videos of Terror Attacks. Buffalo Showed They Have More Work To Do

Social Media Companies Vowed To Stop Videos of Terror Attacks. Buffalo Showed They Have More Work To Do

Many versions of these videos had been edited—with added text or blurring or cropping—in apparent successful attempts to evade the platforms’...

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