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G7 highlights Tech Against Terrorism’s work to help platforms address and identify terrorist content

Tech Against Terrorism’s work with big and small tech was platforms was cited at a high profile G7 meeting in Mito, Japan on 11 December 2023.

The G7 Meeting of Interior and Security Ministers met to discuss global safety and security challenges. The terrorist and violent extremist use of the internet was identified as one of the said challenges.

In their communiqué, the ministers called on the private sector ‘to step up their efforts to address the dissemination of terrorist and violent extremist content online.’ In doing so, the communiqué identified the partnership of Tech Against Terrorism to ‘identify and address terrorist and violent extremist content.’

Many tech platforms are now utilising Tech Against Terrorism’s Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) — the world’s first threat alert system for terrorist and violent extremist content. By doing so, the TCAP helps platforms take action against such content found on their platforms.

Since we were launched by the United Nations in 2016, we have set the agenda and driven change within the tech industry, we have fostered meaningful policy conversations amongst governments and beyond. We work with both small and big tech platforms, to develop the ideas and capabilities needed to effectively disrupt terrorist and violent extremist use of the internet.

To find out more about our work, complete this form to receive our annual review once it's published in January: https://techagainstterrorism.org/news/state-of-play-2023

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