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Tech Against Terrorism: Recent Work and Areas of Research
Adam Southey May 20, 2021 4:49:14 PM
Tech Against Terrorism: Recent Work and Areas of Research
The recent work and areas of research that Tech Against Terrorism has focused on since the start of 2021.
Our key mission is to support tech platforms in tackling terrorist use of the internet whilst respecting human rights. In doing so, we provide support through a wide range of workstreams. The first is threat analysis and outreach, where we carry out extensive open-source intelligence analysis to identify platforms at risk and build constructive working relationships with the tech sector. The second is through knowledge sharing and best practices wherein which we facilitate intra-industry and cross-sector support mechanisms through online tools, guides, and practical datasets to support policy and content moderation decisions. Thirdly, we provide technical support and resources for tech companies to improve their counter terrorism mechanisms, for example through data science or development support, particularly through the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform. All of our work informs the support we provide to smaller platforms in improving and future-proofing their policies and enforcement mechanism via the Mentorship programme.
We have drafted the following document to provide an overview of our work since the beginning of 2021, focusing on our recent projects, areas of research, and our presence in stakeholder events as well as the media, all of which have informed our support to smaller platforms.
Since the beginning of 2021, Tech Against Terrorism has focused on the following recent work and areas of research:
Recent Work:
- Continuing our E-learning Webinars Series, in partnership with the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
- Further developing our Terrorist Content Analytics Platform
- Updating and re-launching the Knowledge Sharing Platform
- Expanding our open-source intelligence capabilities and investigations
- Publishing responses to regulations and consultation processes
- Publishing position papers
- Drafting transparency reporting guidelines for tech companies as well as governments
- Continuing our bespoke company support
- Supporting tech platforms through the Mentorship and Membership Programmes
Areas of Research
- End-to-end-encryption
- Online regulation
- Terrorist Operated Websites
- Designation - Proscribed Organisations
- Gamification
- Government Transparency Reporting Initiatives
For a further in-depth look at our recent work, download our PDF.
- News (258)
- Counterterrorism (55)
- Analysis (53)
- Terrorism (39)
- Online Regulation (38)
- Press Release (38)
- Violent Extremist (36)
- Tech Responses (35)
- Regulation (33)
- Europe (31)
- Government Regulation (27)
- Academia (25)
- GIFCT (22)
- Reports (22)
- UK (22)
- US (21)
- USA (19)
- Guides (17)
- Law (16)
- UN (15)
- MENA (13)
- Asia (11)
- ISIS (11)
- Workshop (11)
- Presentation (10)
- Fintech (6)
- Far-right (5)
- Threat Intelligence (5)
- Webinar (5)
- Propaganda (3)
- Region (3)
- Submissions (3)
- Generative AI (2)
- Op-ed (2)
- Election (1)
- Tech Against Terrorism Network (1)

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17 September 2019 - Press Release: Tech Against Terrorism participates in EU-wide exercise hosted by Europol to tackle terrorist use of the internet ...