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Paris Launch Conference - Tech Against Terrorism Europe TATE

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Please note: Registration does not guarantee participation to the event. We will be in contact directly to confirm your attendance.

This event will bring together relevant actors in countering the terrorist use of the internet, in particular the diverse stakeholders involved in implementing the EU TCO. This event will serve as an opportunity for Member State Competent Authorities to promote knowledge sharing and the dissemination of best practices. It will also create a common space for dialogue to examine practical issues surrounding the implementation of the TCO regulation. This event will include a brief presentation of the TATE project and its aims in supporting hosting service providers (HSPs) align their counterterrorism response with the EU Regulation on the dissemination of terrorist content online, accompanied by three panels that will cover the following topics:

1. Implementing the TCO and Definitions of Terrorist Content

2. Online Terrorist Landscape Threat Assessment: Prominent EU Groups and What Online Regulation Should Capture Next

3. How the TCO Interacts with the Wider Regulatory Landscape



Ambassador Natalia Gherman, Executive Director, United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate, (Through video link)

Paul Schmite, French Digital Ambassador (Conseiller de l'Ambassadeur pour le Numérique)

Jakub Rybnikar, Council for Media Services (Slovak Competent Authority)

Friederike Wegener, Policy Officer, European Commission

Anna De Marchi, Policy Officer, European Commission

Klavdiya Geonova, Europol

Adam Hadley, Executive Director, Tech Against Terrorism

Professor Maura Conway, Professor of international Security in the School of Law and Government, Dublin University and Coordinator of VOX-Pol

Professor Stuart Macdonald, Director of the Cyber Threats Research Centre, Swansea University

Isabelle Arnson, Senior Policy Analyst and Lead, Tech Against Terrorism Europe

Laurence Binder, Co-founder of JOS Project & Associate Fellow Global Network on Extremism and Technology (Gnet)

Following this event, we will be hosting a cocktail hour for speakers and attendees in walking distance from the event location. Details will be shared following confirmation of your registration.

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