Supporting tech platforms

Specialist Services

Tech Against Terrorism offers a range of expert services based around the unique needs of tech platforms. 

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Specialising in...

Platforms taking up any of the specialist services detailed on this page receive the following expertise:

Policy Advisory

Insight from our policy advisory and response specialists, with a deep understanding of the fragmented global legal landscape for countering terrorist and violent extremist content.

Threat Intelligence

Our threat intelligence analysts scour the internet to closely scrutinise and detect exploitation by harmful actors.

Technical Solutions

We offer automated tools and technical solutions to countering terrorist and violent exploitation of platforms.

Our Offer

Bespoke action to disrupt terrorist activity online

Specialist Services for Tech Platforms

Tech Against Terrorism encourages and enables tech companies to strengthen their platforms against terrorist exploitation. We offer a range of expert services which reflect the unique online counterterrorism challenges faced by tech companies.  

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Threat Intelligence

Providing actionable information against terrorist and violent extremist content

Platforms will benefit from the in-depth insight of our Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) team.

Threat Retainer

We deliver deep understanding, access to up-to-date information, and ongoing threat awareness through a dedicated threat assessment retainer.

This service includes access to real-time platform monitoring intelligence.

Government Compliance Monitoring

Customised monitoring service for terrorist and violent extremist content tailored to platform jurisdictional requirements.

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Advisory and Capacity Building

Strengthening platform resilience against terrorist and violent exploitation

Platforms receive support from experts with expertise in capacity building and regulation.

Mentorship and Processes

A range of services including:

  • Full-Scale Platform Policy Review and Framework to Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism
  • Human Rights and Counterterrorism Assessment
Regulatory support

We guide platforms through the increasingly fragmented regulatory landscape to counter terrorist and violent extremism.

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Technical Solutions

Building cutting-edge content moderation tools to disrupt terrorist and violent extremist content

Platforms benefit from Tech Against Terrorism’s technical experience to have tools and solutions built around the client's technical ecosystem.

Hash matching solutions

We provide hash-sharing APIs to ensure enhanced threat detection native to client systems.

AI-Powered Disruption Tools

We build AI solutions to support content moderation and activity detection.

Specialist Services Governments and Law Enforcement

Tech Against Terrorism offers a range of expert services which reflect the unique
online counterterrorism challenges encountered by government and law enforcement.

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Enhancing Threat Awareness

We deliver deep understanding, access to up-to-date information, and ongoing threat awareness through a dedicated threat assessment retainer. This service includes access to real-time platform monitoring intelligence.

Policy and Regulatory

We advise policymakers on developing regulatory requirements which are practicable for tech platforms of every size to ensure maximum uptake and compliance.

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We deliver in-house OSINT training to improve the detection, monitoring, and disruption of terrorist activities online. Through workshops and course materials, we empower informed and proactive interventions.

Capacity Building

Both through in-depth seminars and by supporting continuing access to our Knowledge Sharing Platform, we immerse policymakers in terrorist use of the internet to support the identification and disruption of terrorist activity.

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Technical Solutions


Hash matching solutions

We provide hash-sharing APIs delivering enhanced and actionable threat intelligence.

AI-Powered Disruption Tools

We build AI solutions to support content moderation and activity detection.

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Full Scale Platform Review

End-to-end assessment and roadmap

After undertaking a bespoke policy and process review, we configure a bespoke roadmap to ensure a platform has a transparent framework to prevent and take down terrorist and violent content found on its platform. 

  • Review of Trust & Safety Policy and enforcement.
  • Interviews and iteration with platform stakeholders.
  • Recommendations and sign-posted roadmap.
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Framework to Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism

Market-Focused Documentation for platforms

Producing a bespoke framework to counter terrorism and violent extremism. In doing so, we apply our expertise and insight of national and international jurisdictions. 

  • Assessment of and recommendations for platform.
  • Production of public-facing and internal documentation to address countering terrorist and violent extremist content.
  • Advice on safety-by-design approach to product development.
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Policy Consultations

Workshops and meetings with our experts

Hosting a series of bespoke workshops for platforms, undertaking consultations with company stakeholders and offering immediate support and responses from our experts.

  • Interactive workshops to better understand company approach and expert response from Tech Against Terrorism specialists.
  • Ad-hoc workshops, for example after particular incidents, to strength platform response.
  • Production of post-workshop reports.
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Regulatory Support

Navigating regulatory compliance

We guide platforms through the increasingly fragmented regulatory landscape to counter terrorist and violent extremism.

  • 1:1 sessions with platform to understand legal exposure in relation to terrorist and violent extremist content.
  • Review of pre-agreed jurisdictions and specific policies required. 
  • Written recommendations and roadmap towards compliance.
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Human Rights and Counterterrorism Assessment

Helping Platforms uphold human rights while disrupting terrorism

We take platforms through a rigorous checklist to assess how well they are balancing human rights, a cornerstone of digital media with the need to counter terrorist and violent extremist content. 

  • Human rights adoption checked against 60 criteria.
  • Written assessment of countering terrorist and violent extremism policies and broader Trust & Safety policies  based on this criteria. 
  • Follow-up sessions to review and uphold human rights policies. 
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Threat Intelligence

Providing actionable information against terrorist and violent extremist content

Platforms will benefit from the in-depth insight of our Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) team.

  • Quarterly threat intelligence reports covering key trends and recommendations.
  • Ad-hoc threat reports on intelligence requiring specific action.
  • Platform-specific threat assessment tracking exposure from terrorist and violent extremist actors.

Tech Against Terrorism Network

An independent community primed to disrupt terrorism online while respecting human rights.